205.836.0564 [email protected]

Abortion Recovery

5 Steps to Begin Abortion Recovery

After an abortion, many come to a point of asking themselves, “Okay, so I had an abortion. But that is in the past. Do I really need to be healed?” Some women seemingly never need to work through any kind of healing process. However, for many, the memory of the abortion lies hidden within, like an infection, weakening and impairing them in ways they may not realize. Trauma often encompasses the entire abortion experience, from beginning to end. Common responses after abortion include, but are not limited to:

  • A reluctance to talk about the subject of abortion
  • Experiencing emotions like guilt, anger, or sorrow when discussing/thinking about a past abortion
  • Thinking of life in terms of “before” and “after” the abortion
  • Lingering feelings of resentment or anger toward people involved in the abortion, such as the baby’s father, friends, or parents
  • Avoidance of relationships or becoming overly dependent on others after the abortion
  • Experiencing a vague sort of emptiness, a deep sense of loss, or prolonged periods of depression
  • Ongoing nightmares, flashbacks, or hallucinations relating to the abortion experience

If you are post-abortive, here are five steps to healing any pain that may reside in your heart:

  1. Understand you are not the only one that chose abortion and that peace is possible – Abortion providers outline that 1 in 3 American women have experienced abortion. Abortion recovery programs have helped tens of thousands end abortion’s agony over their lives.
  2. Realize that tears rid the body of toxins and bring healing – Many falsely believe that if they start to cry, they won’t be able to stop.
  3. Research the symptoms of Abortion PTSD – If you relate to three or more of these symptoms, an abortion recovery class could help.
  4. Discover your local abortion recovery ministries – Positive Choices offer these services, along with physical, emotional and psychological support to those in unplanned pregnancies.
  5. Obtain a copy of Her Choice to Heal: Finding Spiritual and Emotional Peace After Abortion –This resource written by Sydna Masse details the pain many experience after abortion and includes healing chapters that help individuals begin the healing process.

Positive Choices is always available to help anyone who may be struggling after abortion.  Please feel free to contact us directly and know that God loves you! Sydna Massé is President and Founder or Ramah International and author of the book, Her Choice to Heal Finding Spiritual and Emotional Peace After Abortion(David C. Cook publishing).

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Birmingham, AL:
Call: 205.836.0564

Text: 205.606.4747

Serving Birmingham, Alabama and surrounding areas including: Center Point, Trussville, Pinson, Clay, Leeds, Eastlake, Woodlawn, and Crestwood..

Office Hours

Monday          9AM- 4PM
Tuesday         9AM- 4PM
Wednesday   9AM- 4PM
Thursday        9AM- 4PM
Friday              CLOSED
Saturday         CLOSED
Sunday            CLOSED


Positive Choices Location

700 Huffman Rd, Suite 310A
Call: 205.836.0564
Text: 205.606.4747