205.836.0564 [email protected]

Helping A Friend

Are you visiting this site to help a friend who may be experiencing unplanned pregnancy? If so, she is very fortunate to have someone like you in their life that cares enough to seek out information and support.

Your friend is probably feeling scared and overwhelmed about a possible pregnancy. It possible that she’s panicking and insisting that abortion is her only choice. The first thing you should do is encourage her to verify the pregnancy at Positive Choices. It’s important for her to be certain about her pregnancy before making any decisions. Please consider accompanying her for the visit. Positive Choices provides medical quality, free pregnancy tests . We prioritize your confidentiality and won’t disclose your visit with us. We are here to help both of you explore all available options, offering caring, compassionate, and free assistance.

When clients receive a positive pregnancy test, Positive Choices takes the time to provide detailed information about all her options – including single parenting, marriage, adoption, or abortion – along with our extensive support services. Many women initially feel they have no other choice but to abort. However, with the physical and emotional support services from Positive Choices, many realize they can consider other options like single parenting, getting married, or placing their baby for adoption.

If your friend is pregnant, It’s important to understand that her decision could impact you as well. If she is considering an abortion, encourage her to take time to investigate all her options thoroughly. There is no need to rush into a decision. Abortion decisions are permanent and irreversible.

Understand that many friends who have accompanied women to abortion facilities report feeling “responsible” for the abortion, and many share they were traumatized by the experience afterwards. Abortion isn’t a safe and easy option for anyone involved. Accompanying her for an abortion may leave a lasting impact on your heart.

Many women who have had abortions share that they held deep anger against those who assisted with their abortions because “they didn’t stop them” from making a choice that they would later regret. This could be a moment in time that you remember for the rest of your life. Be a friend by offering the best support available through Positive Choices.

This could be a moment in time that you remember for the rest of your life. Be sure to allow those memories to be “comfortable” by providing her with the best support available through our center.

Help her to learn more about what a preborn child looks like: HERE

Regardless of your feelings about abortion, it’s important to provide your friend with every resource that can help her make an informed decision. If she is determined to have an abortion, you won’t be any less of a friend if you choose not to accompany her to the facility. Encourage her to visit Positive Choices and learn about all her options. By doing so, you will be able to look back at this time and know that you truly helped her in a time of need!

Supporting a friend through an unplanned pregnancy can be a profound and impactful experience. Your role in providing empathetic and informed support is invaluable during this time of uncertainty and decision-making. By guiding your friend to Positive Choices, you are offering her a safe space to understand her options and the implications of her decisions in a caring and non-judgmental environment.

Remember, the journey of pregnancy, especially when unplanned, can be filled with a range of emotions and choices. Your encouragement for her to explore all options, including parenting, adoption, or abortion, is a testament to your commitment as a supportive friend. It’s crucial to approach this situation with empathy, understanding, and respect for her autonomy and well-being.

Encouraging her to get informed about the development of a preborn child, understanding the physical and emotional impact of abortion, and exploring support services for pregnancy can make a significant difference in how she navigates this challenging time. Your presence and guidance can provide her with the confidence and reassurance she needs to make a decision that she feels is right for her. Remember, Positive Choices is here to assist both of you every step of the way.

If you are the father of the baby, visit our For Men page for more specific information.


Free Pregnancy Test

Free Ultrasound Exams

Birmingham, AL:
Call: 205.836.0564

Text: 205.606.4747

Serving Birmingham, Alabama and surrounding areas including: Center Point, Trussville, Pinson, Clay, Leeds, Eastlake, Woodlawn, and Crestwood..

Office Hours

Monday          9AM- 4PM
Tuesday         9AM- 4PM
Wednesday   9AM- 4PM
Thursday        9AM- 4PM
Friday              CLOSED
Saturday         CLOSED
Sunday            CLOSED


Positive Choices Location

700 Huffman Rd, Suite 310A
Call: 205.836.0564
Text: 205.606.4747