205.836.0564 [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I get pregnant?

A woman becomes pregnant through sexual intercourse or other sexual activities when sperm from a man travels up through the woman’s vagina and into her uterus. Pregnancy occurs when sperm fertilizes an egg in the woman. This living human embryo implants itself in the wall of the woman’s uterus.

Can I become pregnant without having intercourse?

Pregnancy can happen any time that sperm is ejaculated or pre-ejaculated out of a man and comes into contact near the woman’s sexual organs. There is no way to know the exact risk of pregnancy when this happens – no matter how it happens. As a result, activities such as petting or foreplay could put you at risk of becoming pregnant.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

Many women don’t experience any symptoms until after they have missed their period. Common symptoms include nausea, swollen breasts, being tired or dizzy as well as frequent urination are common symptoms a pregnant woman experiences. Every woman’s body is different and may exhibit unique symptoms. It is possible that any combination of these symptoms could mean you are premenstrual or that you have some illness. The only way to be sure it to have a pregnancy test.

For many women, especially young women, irregular periods are fairly common. This means that the period can be delayed. These irregularities can happen from month to month. While pregnancy could be a reason for missing a period, it could also be caused by illness, travel, worry or stress.

How accurate is a pregnancy test?

At Positive Choices we use medical-quality, urine-based tests.  These tests are about 99% accurate. Other tests may vary in their accuracy.

How does a pregnancy test work?

Nine days after conception, urine based pregnancy tests work by detecting a hormone your body produces when you are pregnant. If the test is done too early in the pregnancy, it may not be able find the hormone and result in a “false negative” test.

Are there any risks in taking the Morning After Pill (sometimes called “emergency contraception”)?

Yes there are risks in taking this medication.  Some of the possible side effects of this drug include:

  • fatigue
  • irregular bleeding
  • tenderness
  • abdominal pain
  • headaches
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • breast tenderness
  • potential blood clot formation

This “morning after pill” works in 3 ways – inhibiting ovulation, preventing sperm from reaching the egg, and works as an abortion to prevent implantation in the wall of the uterus.  For more detailed information, visit this page – Morning After Pill/Ella

Can anyone make me have an abortion?

It is against the law for anyone to force you to have an abortion. Not even a husband or parent can require you to undergo an abortion against your will, even if you are a minor (under 18 years old). Positive Choices exists to help you in any circumstance. We can also assist you in discussing your possible pregnancy with those closest to you that are influencing your decision.

Does abortion have any physical risks?

Yes, abortion has possible risks to your body. It is important to be aware of these risks, which are outlined hereAbortion Risks

Will you tell anyone about my visit to your center?

The services of pregnancy center are confidential.  This means they won’t tell anyone (parents, friends, etc.) that you visited the center and they will not contact you without your permission. If there are any legal situations that may require the pregnancy center to contact authorities, the center staff will outline these situations when you arrive at their offices.

Will abortion affect my mind and heart?

Abortion PTSD (also called post-abortion syndrome) is a condition many women experience following an abortion.  Simply considering an abortion can be traumatic and have a long-lasting emotional impact.

Immediately after an abortion, many women report a sense of relief.  However, this relief is often temporary, and other emotions can catch up with them months or even years later. Many express regret and they wish they could go back and undo the abortion.

Typical symptoms of Abortion PTSD include: guilt, anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide, re-experiencing the abortion, fear of not being able to get pregnant again, survival guilt, eating disorders, alcohol or drug abuse.

Abortion is not an “easy” solution by any means. If you are considering an abortion, please take the time to research all your options by visiting Positive Choices.

Navigating the complexities of pregnancy, whether planned or unplanned, can bring about a range of emotions and questions. At Positive Choices, we are here to provide you with the necessary information, support, and medical care to help you make informed decisions. Our range of services, including free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and other resources are designed to offer you peace of mind and clarity during this pivotal time.

We understand that each individual’s situation is unique, and our compassionate team is dedicated to respecting your choices and privacy. Whether you’re facing uncertainty about pregnancy, considering your options, or dealing with the aftermath of a decision, remember that you are not alone. Positive Choices is committed to standing by you, offering a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

Our goal is to empower you with knowledge and support, so you can navigate your journey with confidence and peace. We encourage you to reach out to us, learn more about your options, and take the steps needed for your well-being and future. Remember, your health, both physical and emotional, is our priority, and we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Learn more about what a preborn child looks like: HERE

Free Pregnancy Test

Free Ultrasound Exams

Birmingham, AL:
Call: 205.836.0564

Text: 205.606.4747

Serving Birmingham, Alabama and surrounding areas including: Center Point, Trussville, Pinson, Clay, Leeds, Eastlake, Woodlawn, and Crestwood..

Office Hours

Monday          9AM- 4PM
Tuesday         9AM- 4PM
Wednesday   9AM- 4PM
Thursday        9AM- 4PM
Friday              CLOSED
Saturday         CLOSED
Sunday            CLOSED


Positive Choices Location

700 Huffman Rd, Suite 310A
Call: 205.836.0564
Text: 205.606.4747