205.836.0564 [email protected]


Many people have a misleading idea about adoption. They have heard distressing stories about newborn babies being taken from their mothers’ arms and placed with strangers. Some wonder, “How could you go through life never knowing what happened to your child?” Adoption has changed significantly in the last twenty years. Today, you have the right to select your baby’s parents, meet them, and even maintain contact over the years. These changes have made considering adoption much easier.

There are many reasons to consider adoption. Perhaps you feel in your heart that you can’t provide the care your baby needs due to a lack of time, money, or support. Maybe you already have children, and adding another would be too much stress. Or, you might just be afraid and want to know more about this option.

The good news is that there are many loving couples who long to have a baby but can’t due to infertility. They are waiting for someone like you – someone willing to give a baby life and share that child with them. They aim to love both you and your baby and provide a strong, stable environment where your child can thrive.

Researching all your options is the right thing to do. If you feel unable to parent for any reason, adoption might be the right choice for you. Our center would be glad to refer you to several agencies in our area.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What does adoption cost?

Adoption is free for you. This center can refer you to agencies that will assist you without charge. Many agencies also work with adoptive parents to cover all your pregnancy-related expenses.

Can I choose a family for my baby?

Yes! Most agencies offer a range of families for you to choose from. These families have been thoroughly screened and approved. You also have options like choosing a friend or someone recommended to you.

How often will I see my baby after birth and after adoption?

You can have as much contact with your baby at the hospital as you wish. When planning your child’s adoption, you can opt for an open adoption plan with ongoing visits, a semi-open adoption with updates through letters and pictures, or a confidential plan with no contact.

Tell me more about open adoption:

With an open adoption plan, you can:

  • Meet potential adoptive families before deciding.
  • Exchange information (names and addresses) with the adoptive family at the appropriate time.
  • Have ongoing contact, including attending the birth, physician visits, home visits, and family gatherings.
  • Directly correspond and contact each other by telephone.

What’s a “semi-open” adoption plan?

In a semi-open plan, you choose a family from non-identifying material provided by the agency.

  • An agency or third party mediates contact before and after birth.
  • You will know the adoptive family by their first names only.
  • Adoptive parents may attend the birth and meet you beforehand.
  • All correspondence goes through the agency or third party.
  • Post-placement meetings are arranged and supervised by the mediator.
  • Adoptive parents often share the child’s photos, letters, and occasionally gifts or videos.

How soon after birth can my baby go to the parents I choose?

The timing depends on

your preferences, legal aspects of adoption (which vary by state), and the cooperation of the birthfather. Many women opt for their baby to be placed directly with the adoptive family from the hospital, but you may choose temporary care while considering adoption.

How much will my child know about me?

This depends on the type of adoption you choose – open, semi-open, or confidential. Regardless, agencies typically encourage you to provide your complete medical and social history for your child, which is a requirement in some states.

Does the birthfather have any rights?

Both you and the birthfather have rights. If there is disagreement about adoption or you are no longer in a relationship with him, the agency will work with the birthfather and/or the courts to determine if his rights can be terminated.

Can my child find me if they want to search someday?

State laws dictate when your child may access information in the adoption file.

In Conclusion

Adoption is a profound and life-changing decision, both for you and your child. It’s a journey of love, courage, and sometimes, sacrifice. At Positive Choices, we understand the complexities and emotions involved in this choice. We are here to support you with compassion, respect, and confidentiality, every step of the way.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Our team is dedicated to providing you with all the information and assistance you need to make the best decision for your and your baby’s future. We connect you with resources, counseling, and agencies that align with your wishes and values.

Choosing adoption can be an act of immense love and bravery. It can provide your child with a life full of opportunities and a loving family, while also respecting your life circumstances and plans. Whatever decision you make, know that it is yours to make, and we are here to support you in making an informed and empowered choice.

For more information, to discuss your options, or to get connected with resources, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your story matters, and we are here to listen and help.

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Birmingham, AL:
Call: 205.836.0564

Text: 205.606.4747

Serving Birmingham, Alabama and surrounding areas including: Center Point, Trussville, Pinson, Clay, Leeds, Eastlake, Woodlawn, and Crestwood..

Office Hours

Monday          9AM- 4PM
Tuesday         9AM- 4PM
Wednesday   9AM- 4PM
Thursday        9AM- 4PM
Friday              CLOSED
Saturday         CLOSED
Sunday            CLOSED


Positive Choices Location

700 Huffman Rd, Suite 310A
Call: 205.836.0564
Text: 205.606.4747